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Spice Up Your Workout Routine with a Deck of Cards: Fun and Effective Exercises

Written by Josh | Mar 3, 2024 7:30:58 PM

Discover a fun and engaging way to spice up your workout routine with a deck of cards. This unique workout method will keep you motivated and provide effective exercises for a full-body workout.

How to Set Up Your Deck of Cards Workout

To set up your deck of cards workout, you'll need a standard deck of playing cards and a space to exercise. Start by shuffling the deck and placing it face down. Each participant will take turns drawing a card and performing the exercise corresponding to the suit and number on the card. Remember to remove the jokers from the deck before starting.

The face cards (Jack, Queen, King) can represent 10 reps, and Aces can represent 10 or 11 reps, depending on your fitness level and preference. The goal is to continue drawing cards until the entire deck is completed or a set time limit is reached. This workout method is highly versatile and can be adjusted to fit your fitness level and desired intensity.

Now that you know how to set up your deck of cards workout, let's dive into the different rounds and exercises.

First Round - Cardio Workout

The first round of your deck of cards workout focuses on cardio exercises to get your heart rate up and burn calories. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise:

- Hearts: Jumping Jacks

- Diamonds: Mountain Climbers

- Clubs: Burpees

- Spades: High Knees

Draw a card, perform the exercise for the number of repetitions indicated, and then move on to the next card. Keep going until you've completed the entire deck or reached your time limit. This round will help improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Second Round - Strength and Conditioning Workout

The second round of your deck of cards workout focuses on strength and conditioning exercises to build muscle and improve overall strength. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise:

- Hearts: Push-ups

- Diamonds: Squats

- Clubs: Lunges (each leg)

- Spades: Bicycle Crunches

Draw a card, perform the exercise for the number of repetitions indicated, and then move on to the next card. Continue until you've completed the entire deck or reached your time limit. This round will target different muscle groups and help increase your strength and endurance.

Third Round - Core and Flexibility Workout

The third round of your deck of cards workout focuses on core exercises and flexibility to improve your core strength and mobility. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise:

- Hearts: Russian Twists

- Diamonds: Leg Raises

- Clubs: Plank Shoulder Taps

- Spades: Plank Hold (Hold for 15-30 seconds)

Draw a card, perform the exercise for the number of repetitions indicated, and then move on to the next card. Keep going until you've completed the entire deck or reached your time limit. This round will target your abs, obliques, and improve your overall flexibility and stability.

Final Round - HIIT Workout

The final round of your deck of cards workout is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session to maximize calorie burn and boost your metabolism. Each suit corresponds to a different exercise:

- Hearts: Burpees

- Diamonds: Jump Lunges

- Clubs: Mountain Climbers

- Spades: Plyometric Push-ups

Draw a card, perform the exercise for the number of repetitions indicated, and then move on to the next card. Continue until you've completed the entire deck or reached your time limit. This round will challenge your cardiovascular fitness, strength, and explosiveness.

By incorporating a deck of cards into your workout routine, you'll add a fun and exciting twist to your exercises. The element of surprise keeps you engaged and motivated, and the variety of exercises ensures a full-body workout. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in your fitness journey!